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Dr Erik Miles and his team of dedicated professionals work with the core aim of providing the best facial rejuvenation experience at North Charlotte Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Many people are troubled by the signs of aging in their face such as laxity in facial skin, wrinkles and deep ceases along the nose. Facelift is a restorative surgery that enables the patients to sustain their youthful appearance. Safety is the primary concern of Dr. Miles while performing facelift procedure. He has immense experience in carrying out the surgical procedure to achieve the best results without compromising on the safety aspect. Many people have reaped the benefits of different types of facelift surgery in Charlotte. They are allowed to get back to their normal routine within a couple of weeks. Dr. Miles takes extreme pride and satisfaction in the fact that his patients feel rejuvenated and refreshed with the results of the surgery.

Dr. Erik J. Miles – Double Board certified Plastic Surgeon

Facial rejuvenation is a big part of our practice. We have many patients who are concerned about the effects of aging and its one of the things I really enjoy helping them with. Good candidates for facial rejuvenation are any patient, male or female who is bothered by the signs of aging. Most often this manifest with laxity in the skin of the lower face in the jaw area. Typically the neck will have some sagging skin and these are the areas that patients focus on, they really want to address first. Some patients also have concerns about their eyelids or their forehead. There‘re many non invasive, non surgical techniques that can be done to address other areas and sometimes we have to combine various procedures in order to help the patient achieve the best result. In our practice we have a lot of experience performing facial rejuvenation procedure such as a face lift under local anesthesia. These patients do very well with just some mild sedation. The technique is very safe and patients really do well in this setting. A typical facelift takes about three hours to perform. The time might vary depending on if they’re having other procedures combined with the facelift. They will go home with very specific instructions for how to take care of things. I typically see every patient the next day. Patients will normally take about a week to two weeks off their normal activity. Patients are very happy with facelift results. Our goal is to help them look refreshed, rejuvenated good for their age. We don’t want them to look like they’ve had a facelift; we want them to look good. And so typically we will perform these procedures in a manner that’s not over done and patients are really happy with that.