Brachioplasty (Arm Lift) In Huntersville- Dr. Erik Miles

Improving Your Confidence with Brachioplasty in Huntersville

What is brachioplasty?

Brachioplasty is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the upper arm. Localized fat deposits and excess skin are removed to smooth and tighten the upper arm, creating a more desirable contoured appearance. Brachioplasty is more commonly referred to as an arm lift and can greatly improve an individual’s confidence.

Am I good candidate for an arm lift?

Some individuals suffer from excess skin and fat in their upper arm that is difficult to improve through diet and exercise. Some individuals are simply genetically predisposed to the condition. Adults who suffer from excess skin laxity in the upper arm area may consider brachioplasty in Huntersville. This procedure is particularly common for individuals who have undergone significant weight loss and have stabilized their new weight by continuing healthy lifestyle choices. Dr. Miles will meet with you to discuss whether or not brachioplasty may be beneficial for you as an individual. Your medical history and current medical status will be considered to determine the effectiveness and impact of the surgery prior to scheduling your surgery.

How does the procedure work?

Once a patient is under anesthesia, an incision will be made in one of three possible locations: inner arm, back of arm, or a minimal incision in the under arm area. Dr. Miles will determine which incision location is best for you to achieve the best results while minimizing the appearance of scarring. Excess fat will be excised or removed using liposuction to ensure a slimmer contoured appearance of the upper arm. After fat has been removed, the excess skin will be excised and subsequently tightened. Once all excess fat and skin have been removed, the incision will be closed with sutures, and in most cases skin glue.

What is the recovery process?

After surgery you will wear a compression garment to reduce swelling, which naturally occurs after surgery. The garment will be worn for approximately three weeks. Dr. Erik Miles will give you special instructions to care for the incision site as well as any drains that may be placed to remove excess blood or fluid. Oral and topical medications may be administered for pain and to aid healing.

Recovery is generally one to two weeks, at which point a follow up appointment will be scheduled and any stitches will be removed. Dr. Miles will advise you when it is okay to return to your normal activities and when exercise can be resumed. If scarring is a concern, you may choose to begin scar therapy two weeks after surgery with Embrace Scar Therapy. Dr. Miles is currently the only plastic surgeon in North Carolina offering Embrace Scar Therapy. Embrace Scar Therapy can significantly reduce the appearance of scarring through a revolutionary technique that minimizes the amount of tension placed on your incision. Dr. Miles and his staff can provide you with further information about Embrace Scar Therapy and additional information can be found on the practice website.

If you have any questions about brachioplasty please contact North Charlotte Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery at our Huntersville office today. Our highly trained staff can answer any questions you may have and schedule a consultation with Dr. Miles when you are ready.

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