What types of incisions are used for breast reduction?

What types of incisions are used for breast reduction?

Charlotte breast reduction

Breasts help to create an attractive feminine shape to the body, and are an important part of most women’s self-image. However, there are some women who find themselves a little too well-endowed. Having excessively large breasts can lead to problems like back, neck, and shoulder pain. They can also make it difficult to find clothes that fit well.

To reduce the size of the breasts and bring them more into proportion with the rest of a woman’s body, breast reduction is an option. During this procedure, excess fat tissue, skin, and glandular tissue is removed, leaving behind a more proportional breast that won’t cause symptoms like pain. 

For women whose breasts are too large, they may be considering a breast reduction, but be concerned about the resulting scars. Of course, any surgical procedure involves incisions, which will inevitably leave scars. What are the scars like from a breast reduction?

Inverted anchor incision for breast reduction

There are two main options that can be used for breast reduction. The most common type is known as the “inverted anchor” incision. This involves an incision around the areola (the dark circle surrounding the nipple). Another incision extends vertically down from the bottom of the areola to the breast crease, where the breast meets the chest wall. A horizontal incision is also made along the breast crease.

The incision around the areola is necessary, because it’s virtually impossible to perform a good breast reduction without repositioning the nipple. After excess tissues are removed from the breast, the nipple will need to be lifted into a higher (and more youthful) position to get a good result. 

The inverted anchor incision allows the surgeon to remove excess sagging skin, along with excess fat and glandular tissue from within the breast. In general, the skin on the bottom part of the breast is the most stretched out. Removing skin from this area allows the surgeon to sculpt a natural-looking breast shape, with the desired size.

Lollipop incision for breast reduction

Another option is known as the “lollipop” incision. This one is very similar to the inverted anchor incision, but it lacks the incision along the breast crease. Instead, the lollipop incision extends only around the areola, and then vertically downwards to the breast crease.

The lollipop incision gives the surgeon less access to the breast tissue, so it limits the amount of tissue that can be removed (including sagging skin as well as internal tissues). It also allows for less precise sculpting of the remaining breast tissue. Women who only need a moderate amount of tissue removed, and who have relatively good elasticity in their skin, may be able to choose a lollipop incision. For those who need more extensive tissue removal, the inverted anchor incision is generally better.

Charlotte breast reduction

If you’re bothered by your overly large breasts and are considering a breast reduction, your next step is a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon. This will give you a chance to get personalized advice and information, so you can decide whether this procedure is right for you.

If you’re in the area around Charlotte or are willing to travel here, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Miles. He’s committed to ensuring that his consultation appointments are not high-pressure sales pitches, but simply an opportunity for a person to gather information and have their questions answered completely. You will be encouraged to make your own decision about whether or not you want to have a breast reduction. Dr. Miles never wants a patient to feel pressured or persuaded into surgery, because this often leads to dissatisfaction. Please contact our office to schedule your appointment.

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