New study shows the significant functional benefit of Labiaplasty Surgery

Charlotte labiaplasty

Although breast augmentation and abdominoplasty (a tummy tuck) are relatively well-known and popular procedures, there are other types of plastic surgery that can also be very helpful to some women. Some women choose to have a labiaplasty, a procedure that removes excess tissue from the labia minora (the inner “lips” of the vulva).

Women may choose this procedure for purely aesthetic reasons, and it is of course a woman’s prerogative to make that decision for her own body if she so chooses. At the same time, many women who choose labiaplasty actually choose it for functional reasons. They may experience pain when wearing tight clothing, uncomfortable tugging or twisting of the labia, or pain with intercourse. Some women want to have a labiaplasty to address these problems.

A new study shows that labiaplasty can improve these functional issues. The procedure was shown to have an impressive success rate at helping women who suffer from symptoms related to labial hypertrophy (the medical term for overly large labia).

Labiaplasty shown to produce functional benefits

In this study, a group of patients undergoing labiaplasty were surveyed about their symptoms before the surgery, and then again afterward (an average of about a year later). Many common symptoms experienced by the study group showed dramatic reductions after the procedure. For example, before the surgery, more than half (62.5%) of the women said that they had problems with physical intimacy. After the procedure, 0% of the women continued to have this problem. Tugging with intercourse and feeling less attractive also dropped to zero after surgery, from more than 60% prior to surgery. Every symptom caused from an enlarged labia showed a very significant decrease after labiaplasty, and only 6.5% of women in the study continued to have any symptoms. 

After the procedure, 93.5% of the patients were symptom-free. All of the women in the study had one or more symptoms before the surgery, but nearly all of them no longer had symptoms afterward. The results of the study are very impressive, and only validates Dr. Miles personal experience with his patients that labiaplasty is a beneficial procedure for women who suffer from labial hypertrophy.

There are different types of labiaplasty

There are two different approaches to a labiaplasty procedure: wedge and trim. A trim labiaplasty removes the tissue at the edge of the labia minora to make them the desired size. This approach is used when there are characteristics of the outer labia that the patient wishes to change, such as darkened or rough tissue, or if she wants to have the labia thinned. 

A wedge labiaplasty removes a wedge of tissue and then brings the remaining edges back together in order to make the labia smaller. This approach is preferred when the patient likes the characteristics of the edge of the labia and wishes to maintain these. Thinning of the labia is not performed along with this form of labiaplasty, as this produces extra surgical risk.

The study included women who had undergone both types of labiaplasty. Each patient chose which type of procedure she preferred, based on her pre-surgical consultation with her surgeon. About 80% of the women had a trim labiaplasty, while 20% had a wedge. Patients in both categories experienced significant benefit from the procedure, so the study does not suggest that one type is overall better than the other.

Charlotte labiaplasty

If you’re bothered by symptoms of overly large labia, then this study provides evidence that labiaplasty could be helpful for you. If having this procedure is something that you’re considering or are curious about, then we would recommend visiting Dr. Miles for a consultation.  Not all plastic surgeons perform labiaplasty, so you should make sure that you’re choosing someone who has expertise as Dr. Miles has in this particular procedure.

Dr. Miles has extensive experience in performing labiaplasty, and he receives many patients from the greater Charlotte area.  Most women want to trust their bodies only to the best surgeons, and Dr. Miles has truly exceptional qualifications as a double board certified plastic surgeon. If you’d like to learn more about this procedure or find out whether you might be a candidate for it, please contact our office to book your personal consultation.


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