How To Get Eyes That Pop In Charlotte

Getting The Look You Love: Body Contouring in Huntersville

They say your eyes are the windows to your soul. Therefore, your eyes should be your standout facial feature. However, for many women their eyes only show the signs of aging. Other factors such as weight gain, stress, or genetics may also lead to droopy, saggy eyes that don’t stand out in a crowd. Fortunately, there are many options available for patients of Dr. Erik Miles.

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, can be performed on the lower eyelid, upper eyelid, or both to achieve the look desired. Sunken or puffy eyelids can make a person look excessively tired and sometimes sad. Loose upper eyelid skin can age a person prematurely and may even impair their vision. For some patients, eyelid surgery may mean repositioning the eyelid, while for others it may mean adding or removing fat deposits around the eye to create a soft and beautiful look.

The results of eyelid surgery are permanent, the recovery is fast and requires little downtime. Small incisions are made in precise locations to reduce the appearance of scarring.

Botox Injections

The soft tissue around our eyes shows the first signs of aging, in the form of fine lines and wrinkles. Eye moisturizers and creams can help reduce the effects, but they’re only delaying the inevitable. These crow’s feet, laugh lines, frown lines, and other wrinkles that form in the corners of eyes and the space between the eyebrows become more apparent over time as the muscles make repetitive expressions. Botox works to immobilize the muscles and eliminate the appearance of facial creases. Patients of North Charlotte Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery experience smoother and younger looking skin after undergoing Botox treatments.
This minimally invasive procedure requires no downtime and no surgery is necessary. Results last three to five months and must be repeated to maintain the desired results.


Many women desire long, flowing eyelashes to accentuate the eye. To achieve the beautiful, jaw-dropping effect of fluttering eyelashes, many women turn to Latisse. This non-surgical treatment is applied to the lash line daily over the course of 16 weeks to create their own longer, darker, and fuller eyelashes.

Results will become more apparent over time, with noticeable changes at 4, 8, 12, and 16 weeks. Best results are achieved with consistent use. This product can be used at home to give you the long, luscious lashes you want.

Dr. Miles will work to find the procedure that is best to obtain the youthful and bright look you desire. Many of our patients find that a combination of procedures can be utilized for eyes that pop in Charlotte. After a consultation with Dr. Miles, a custom tailored plan will be created specifically for you. He will be able to answer any questions and address any concerns you may have before any procedures are performed.

It is important that our patients understand they are in trusted hands. Dr. Miles offers many years of experience to his Charlotte patients and his rapport and knowledge will assure you that you are in the best hands. Please contact our office to schedule your consultation today. A representative is happy to answer all of your questions at (704) 896-5556.

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