Does facial hair grow back thicker after dermaplaning?

Does facial hair grow back thicker after

Dermaplaning Charlotte

Here at our office, we’re committed to offering the best in facial anti-aging treatments,  both surgical and nonsurgical. Among the most noninvasive treatments that we offer is dermaplaning. This treatment can be a stand alone procedure, though it is often combined with other treatments to enhance their effectiveness.

One of the myths we hear about dermaplaning is that it will cause your hair to grow back thicker. This is absolutely not true! What is dermaplaning, and why doesn’t it affect hair growth?

What is dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a noninvasive treatment in which a medical-grade scalpel is gently scraped across the surface of the skin. This removes the vellus hair (the “peach fuzz” facial hair) along with dead skin cells and other debris. The treatment leaves the skin smoother and more even. It can be used to improve the appearance of skin with problems like acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles, and dry or dull skin.

Dermaplaning can be combined with other treatments to enhance their effectiveness. Removing the hair and dead skin cells leaves less of a barrier on the skin, so that products and treatments can penetrate the dermis more easily. For example, having dermaplaning before a chemical peel can enhance the peel’s effectiveness by allowing the acids to penetrate the skin more deeply.

Dermaplaning is one of the least invasive treatments we offer at our office. The treatment takes place entirely on the surface of the skin, so there is essentially no risk of infection or other damage to the skin.

Does dermaplaning affect hair growth?

Dermaplaning is an entirely noninvasive treatment. There is absolutely no effect of the treatment on the hair roots; the scalpel simply cuts the hair at the surface of the skin. It’s scientifically impossible for cutting a hair to affect its growth, because hair growth can only be changed at the root, where the hair is created.

The origin of this myth probably lies in what happens to hair when it’s shaved with a razor. When a hair grows naturally, the end of the hair is gently tapered. It feels soft when you touch it. When a hair is cut with a razor, the cut end is now blunt instead of tapered. As the cut hair grows, it will feel a bit more coarse rather than soft. Even though the hair growth has not been changed, the cut hair may feel like it’s growing in thicker.

When you shave with a razor, this is what happens to the hairs; they’re cut straight across, and the ends feel more coarse than the natural ends of hair would feel. However, dermaplaning is a bit different. The scalpel is passed at an angle across the skin, and the hair is cut at an angle rather than straight across. This leaves the hair with a tapered end, even though it’s been cut. As a result, as the hair grows back in, it’s softer right away. 

Dermaplaning will not result in your hair growing back thicker, coarser, or darker than it used to be; furthermore, it won’t even create the illusion that it has, like shaving does.

Dermaplaning Charlotte

If you’re thinking about having a dermaplaning treatment, we invite you to schedule a consultation with us here at our office on the north side of Charlotte. Whether you’re considering dermaplaning as a standalone treatment, or as part of a treatment plan that includes other treatments (such as a chemical peel), we’ll be happy to explain the treatment to you so you know exactly what to expect. To schedule a consultation, please contact our office.

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