Brow Rejuvenation in Charlotte

These days there are many options when it comes to facial rejuvenation. These options include both surgical and non-invasive options from fillers to a full on Facelift. One option is the Brow Lift. The Brow Lift is designed to tighten and smooth the forehead region. It can help to improve fine lines and wrinkles in the forehead and a heavy, hanging brow. Heavy brows can create a severe and even angry appearance, while a higher brow creates a more youthful and alert apperance.

The Brow Lift has it’s limitations however, but can be done in conjunction with other Facial Rejuvenation procedures such as a Facelift, Eyelid Lift or Dermal Fillers. Learn more about the Charlotte Brow Lift procedure by contact our office to schedule your consultation with Dr. Miles.

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